Soulmate Relationships Aren’t All Meant to be Happily Ever After

Soulmate Relationships Aren’t All Meant to be Happily Ever After

Posted On: February 13, 2020

Recalling from years ago… my marriage was on the rocks. Psychic: “… You have to leave him or you will lose everything including everything you worked so hard for (aka my practice). In the end… he will still be unfaithful to you… you will lose your mind… leave him. You have to leave him by […]

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Have Some Standards, Pleaze!

Have Some Standards, Pleaze!

Posted On: February 6, 2020

Because of the bullying I received due to being physically unattractive when young (especially by the “cool kids”/ “in group”), I’ve grew up being wary of good-looking people and outrightly avoiding dating them altogether. One day, I told myself that I was done buying into the lie that I didn’t deserve it all – the […]

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Satire about Online Dating

Satire about Online Dating

Posted On: February 3, 2020

Ever notice how dating app profiles state anything along the lines of: “Age is just a number…” when the person is older and insecure about their age (especially 45 and above)? “Looking for young/ positive/ fun/ spontaneous/ bubbly/ liberal/ adventurous open minded people” when what they want is a hook up? “Something casual” when they’re […]

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Better Questions, Better Answers

Better Questions, Better Answers

Posted On: February 1, 2020

I’m learning something through my interactions with my Dad – not shaming or blaming, just stating/ sharing here. Each time, I asked my dad: “How are you?”. He tells me what is happening in his life – facts. I realised I am somewhat disappointed or dissatisfied with his answer. I didn’t know why. After many […]

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Overcome Your Negative Thoughts on Dating

Overcome Your Negative Thoughts on Dating

Posted On: January 27, 2020

Why do I keep attracting ‘losers’, or the ‘wrong person’, you might ask (pattern)? Why are everybody such ‘time wasters’ (you group them)? Why am I so unlucky/ terrible/ horrible when it comes to dating (internalisation)? I am no self-declared love expert. I am first and foremost a sex expert, and also counsel people on […]

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Unconditioned Love exists for the Undeserved

Unconditioned Love exists for the Undeserved

Posted On: January 14, 2020

I’ve been doing inner work/ personal development for years by now – 19 years if you want to be more precise (since the time I was aware of what this really means). Side note: I’m not saying this as a means of proclaiming how evolved I must be then… I’m just sharing this to illustrate […]

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Separate Who You Are vs. What You Do

Separate Who You Are vs. What You Do

Posted On: January 5, 2020

I was sharing my observations from watching “Undercover Boss” on YouTube with a new friend yesterday: Most of the bosses featured made their millions in franchise businesses. Most of the “star” front-line employees were high-energy people/ extroverted/ bubbly personality. Most of the “star” back-end employees tended to be introverted even if their job was still […]

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Are You Fearlessly Living or Just Existing?

Are You Fearlessly Living or Just Existing?

Posted On: December 29, 2019

In present time, I would look at the beautiful orchids in my office and feel sad knowing they will die one day soon. Why do they have to die? Do they know they are going to die? If they knew, would they bother to bloom so brightly and as radiantly as they do? One might […]

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On Receiving Unsolicited Advice

On Receiving Unsolicited Advice

Posted On: December 27, 2019

Won’t it irritate you? This is what I am the subject of one or more of these scenarios regularly actually. This is why I avoid networking events. They exhaust me. If I did attend social events, I stay away from talking about work. Person: “You should do online programs!” Me: “I have six.” Person: “You […]

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On Death and Dying

On Death and Dying

Posted On: December 26, 2019

From the time I could speak, I remember asking my mom why I was born; where I was before I was born; and what I was born to do. I remember trying to ask her many times the meaning and purpose of life – without ever getting any answers that satisfied me. I didn’t know […]

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Books I Read in 2019

Books I Read in 2019

Posted On: December 23, 2019

I had set the goal of reading 150 books in 2013; 200 in 2014, 2015 and 2016; 100 in 2017 and 2018. This is how I fared 152 books in 2013, (Reached goal) 202 in 2014, (Reached goal) 168 in 2015, (Reached goal) 110 in 2016, (Didn’t reach goal) 80 in 2017, (Didn’t reach goal) […]

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Guard Your Energy

Guard Your Energy

Posted On: December 21, 2019

Recalling from memory: Person to a group of us: “How is the market nowadays?” Group including myself: (can sense the negativity in his tone not words, and kept quiet) Same person: “Market has been quiet nowadays…” Me: (wanting to laugh inside as I could see it coming..) Same person: (Big sigh) Me: (noticing how everybody […]

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