Help us publicise 2nd Sugar & Spice Virtual Festival, Nov  17 – 24!

Help us publicise 2nd Sugar & Spice Virtual Festival, Nov 17 – 24!

Posted On: November 2, 2020

I recently concluded the first Love Abilities festival (Oct 15 – 19) as well – a virtual sexuality and disability festival which saw 665 people sign up for the 5 day festival. 1,050 people attended the 29 sessions facilitated by 50 presenters live. It was considered successful with only positive feedback from participants.I am passing […]

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Student Health Forum: Let’s Talk About Sex Ed

Student Health Forum: Let’s Talk About Sex Ed

Posted On: August 31, 2020

I was a panelist on Let’s Talk about Sex for Real, Student Health Forum organised by Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) of the International Medical University (IMU) of Malaysia (AMSA IMU) on July 18, 2020. This is the recording.   About Dr. Martha Tara Lee Surrounded by friends who were sexually inhibited and struck by […]

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Recap: Love, Sex & Spirit

Recap: Love, Sex & Spirit

Posted On: December 8, 2019

These are some pictures from the event Love, Sex & Spirit I conducted alongside my friends Luke Elijah Lim and Lionel on Fri 6 Dec 2019. Event details here. We are discussing doing another similar one for Fri 13 Feb 2020 so stay tuned by subscribing to my newsletter if you are not already on […]

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Testimonials – Sex & Sexuality 101

Testimonials – Sex & Sexuality 101

Posted On: August 19, 2019

“Just as the title suggests, Martha’s workshop has all the knowledge we should have had growing up. Don’t worry if you were not comfortable with talking about sex. I could distribute condoms to sex works for my volunteering work, but I was also shy to even buy condoms in the supermarket for my own! After […]

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Self-Pleasure Month – Exclusive Offers

Self-Pleasure Month – Exclusive Offers

Posted On: April 22, 2019

Dr. Martha Tara Lee and Myola Woods are bringing 31-day Self Pleasure Challenge this month! That’s right – 31 days to celebrate yourself and your body (1 – 31 May). We have come together promote masturbation as healthy, safe and natural way to express one’s sexuality, thereby removing much of the shame and stigma have […]

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Self-Pleasure Month (1 – 31 May 2019)

Self-Pleasure Month (1 – 31 May 2019)

Posted On: April 22, 2019

Are you looking to become more comfortable with your body and sexuality? Are you longing for a deep sense of connection and oneness with yourself? Are you ready to unlock the orgasmic potential of your body? Join us (Dr. Martha Tara Lee and Myola Woods) for our 31-day Self Pleasure Challenge this month! That’s right […]

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Memories from Fest of Love 2019

Memories from Fest of Love 2019

Posted On: April 1, 2019

Fest of Love Singapore ran for the first time in Singapore Feb 14 – 24 over ten days. During this time, we had a book launch, conference (Feb 16 and 17) and 40 workshops offered over 10 days. These are some snaps from the Fest of Love conference Feb 16 and 17. There is also […]

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Fest of Love Conference – Fun Facts!

Fest of Love Conference – Fun Facts!

Posted On: February 14, 2019

 We had the book launch of my Asian vulva book (my 4th book) {Un}Inhibited last night and it was amazing meeting so many likeminded people in the same space. It was a celebration of our bodies, evolution and sexuality. Tomorrow 15 Feb, there’s more workshops you’d want to check out here Here’s some fun facts about […]

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Presented @ Wonderfruit 2018

Presented @ Wonderfruit 2018

Posted On: December 18, 2018

I presented six sessions between 13 – 16 Dec 2018 at Wonderfruit, Pattaya, Thailand – two sessions per day. They were: 14 Dec – Talk: Your Sexuality as Self-Mastery 14 Dec – Workshop: The Art of Deep Listening 15 Dec – Workshop: Orgasmic Yoga (Breath) 15 Dec – Workshop: The Art of Soul Gazing 16 […]

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Uninspired about Love and Life?

Uninspired about Love and Life?

Posted On: May 20, 2018

Have you been feeling meh about love and life for some time now? Let me tell you that we tend to be creatures of habit… … we brush our teeth in the same way; … we take the same path to work; and of course.. … we have sex in the same way! What if […]

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Testimonial – Energy Orgasm

Testimonial – Energy Orgasm

Posted On: May 2, 2018

“The Energy Orgasm workshop was a new introduction into managing my internal body and energies via breath.It is very enriching and in fact, I find myself doing the exercises in the morning upon waking up, under the shower, or even on the toilet, or even now while writing this.” – Anonymous, 24 April 2018 For […]

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Infographic: Valentine’s Day in Singapore

Infographic: Valentine’s Day in Singapore

Posted On: February 13, 2018

According to which surveyed over 5,600 people from 32 different countries (including Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and both Americas) to find out about the local perception of Valentine’s Day. Apparently, Singaporeans (precisely 61%) tend to enjoy Valentine’s Day, spending SG$144 on average. The other 39% refuse any form of celebration. One third of male […]

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