International Women’s Day Free Event for Women: Powerful & Radiantly Feminine!

Posted On: March 5, 2015

Date(s) - 05/03/2015
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm

Bras Basah Complex


Only for ladies

AChris_De_Burgh_The_Lady_in_Red_single_coverre you ready to feel safe and stop playing small?

So many women feel the calling to be leaders and/ or step out with their gifts and messages in the world.

Yet many feel a struggle and fear in that they don’t feel safe and at home in their own skin out in the world.

Or they don’t have the confidence or healthy boundaries they really desire.

These issues end up holding them back, or sabotage them. And personally in their relationships, there is sometimes pain because of confusing communication, societal pressures to be a certain way, and insecurity which affects how others perceive us.

Often there is an impossible to sustain “persona” that we feel we are supposed to live up to, but that isn’t serving us well, isn’t truly authentic, and could actually be pushing people away, or giving them a wrong idea about who we are.

Are you ready for more respect, confidence, authentic connection and communication, radiance, healthy boundaries, and to possibly even step into a shining example of a powerful AND feminine woman that is inspiring to all?

Are you ready to have a tool to tap into more of your creativity, intuition, and joy?

You will be guided through practices that will:

  • Increase your magnetism to attract the kind of experiences you want TO you, instead of exhausting yourself trying too hard to make it happen.
  • Increase your confidence in effective communication.
  • Increase your self-respect and attract respect from others.
  • Grow your authentic voice so you can be heard in the way that YOU want and be seen authentically with friends, family, business colleagues, and your romantic interest or partner.
  • Blossom your feminine radiance –increasing your natural beauty and light– while ALSO activating your natural healthy boundaries around your body. This helps in dealing with those with predatory or draining energy.
  • Ignite your intuition, so that you become more finely attuned to what situations and/or people are good for you, and what ones are not.
  • Follow your intuition into more of your success, creativity, and positive experiences!

powerful n radiantWatch video here.

“I’ve definitely seen women who radiate something magical, adding light and energy to everyone around her. I want to be her more often. I signed up, not knowing what to expect. In an hour, I walked out with a tangible and easy way to be the flowing, relaxed yet lively, sharp yet soft, woman that I’d like to be. What struck me most was the different ways we gaze at each other — and how it represents who we are, and how others feel about us. Martha is skilled guiding us to recognise subtle nuances through exercises, and at explaining abstract ideas in practical, applicable ways. I left knowing that I can feel and be the way I want more often, and (full disclosure) committed to the extended course to practice.” – Angela Ognev, 29 Dec 2014

Clinical Sexologist Dr. Martha Tara Lee will be running this preview to The Art of Feminine Presence. Attend this, get your questions answered, embark on this journey of developing a new relationship with yourself here. After the preview, you may wish to join our one-day Activate Your Feminine Magnetism event or one of our Art of Feminine Presence weekly classes (starting April).

Follow your intuition into more of your success, creativity, and positive experiences!

Be Seen * Be Heard * Inspire Change

Date: Thurs 5 March 2015

Time: 7:15 – 9:30p.m.  

Venue: Bras Basah Complex

Fee: Free but you need to register so we can make sure there are enough spaces

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Please note that no refunds will be issued if you have paid and cannot make it for the workshop. Replacement allowed. Do check out our media policy as well.

Martha s The Sexually {A} ManAbout the Facilitator

Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr. Martha Tara Lee is the only Clinical Sexologist in Singapore who has a doctorate in human sexuality. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. For her full profile, click here.

For enquiries, please email

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