Married but Lonely? Why Emotional Distance Hurts and How to Reconnect 💔✨

Posted On: September 18, 2024

Many married women experience feelings of loneliness despite being in committed relationships 💔. A recent ChannelNews Asia article highlighted how daily routines, lack of emotional connection, unmet needs for affection, and unresolved conflicts can gradually create emotional distance between partners 🛑. Over time, this can lead women to seek emotional support elsewhere, feel frustrated, and experience a reduction in intimacy. If not addressed early, these issues can cause deeper resentment and detachment, putting the relationship at risk.

While the article suggests solutions like open communication, connection rituals (like weekly date nights), and self-care 🧘‍♀️, as a relationship counselor and clinical sexologist, I want to emphasize that these actions alone may not be enough. Often, loneliness in marriage is rooted in attachment styles, emotional unavailability, or avoidance patterns that stem from early life conditioning 🧠. This is tied to attachment theory, which shapes how individuals respond to their partner’s needs.

Merely talking about feelings doesn’t always lead to resolution. Therapy is essential to help couples address these deeper emotional dynamics, and to build the relational skills required for real connection. The article doesn’t mention the challenge of a partner who is unwilling to open up or change, which is a common issue in many marriages 😞. Therapy provides a safe, structured space for both partners to feel heard and supported.

If you’re facing this kind of loneliness, I strongly encourage you to seek professional help from a qualified practitioner 👩‍⚕️—not from self-proclaimed “coaches” or influencers. Trained professionals, such as licensed relationship counselors or clinical sexologists (like myself), have the expertise to guide you through these difficult conversations and help you rebuild your emotional bond.

Don’t wait until the distance feels irreversible. Reach out to someone who can truly help you reconnect and strengthen your relationship 💪.

Chia, V. (2024, September 17). Married but lonely: Is this normal and why do some women feel this way? CNA Lifestyle.

About Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Dr. Martha Tara Lee has been a passionate advocate for positive sexuality since 2007. With a Doctorate in Human Sexuality and a Masters in Counseling, she launched Eros Coaching in 2009 to help individuals and couples lead self-actualised and pleasurable lives. Her expertise includes working with couples who have unconsummated marriage, individuals with sexual inhibitions and discrepancies in sexual desire, men with erection and ejaculation concerns, and members of the LGBTQIA+ and kink communities. Dr. Lee welcomes all sexual orientations and is available for online and face-to-face consultations. Martha speaks English and Mandarin.

She is the only certified sexuality educator by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in the region (as of 2011) and is also an AASECT certified sexuality educator supervisor (as of 2018). She strives to provide fun, educational, and sex-positive events and is often cited in the media including Huffington PostNewsweek, South China Morning Post, and more. She is the appointed Resident Sexologist for Singapore Cancer Society, Of, and Virtus Fertility Centre. She is the host of radio show Eros Evolution for OMTimes Radio. In recognition of her work, she was named one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40’ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. She is the author of Love, Sex and Everything In-Between (2013),  Orgasmic Yoga: Masturbation, Meditation and Everything In-Between (2015), From Princess to Queen: Heartbreaks, Heartgasms and Everything In-Between (2017), and {Un}Inhihibited (2019).

You can read the testimonials she’s received over years here. For her full profile, click here. Email her here.

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