I am doing the exercises in the book Finding Water by Julia Cameron. This is her third book in the series under The Artist’s Way.
I stumbled upon the book, and having been resuming my Morning Pages, weekly Artistic Date, as well as weekly walk. My spirits are lifted. I am inspired once more.
In week 5 of 12 – Uncovering A Sense of Autonomy, we are invited to list 25 Things To Be Grateful for, starting from big to small. This is mine:
- I am alive.
- I am healthy.
- I have a roof over my head.
- I have a job.
- I do meaningful work.
- I love my work.
- I love producing creative work.
- My parents are alive.
- My parents have a roof over their head for me.
- My parents would support me financially if they could.
- I have genuinely wonderful and loving friends.
- My friends inspire me.
- I have the gift of sight.
- I have the gift of hearing.
- I have the gift of touch.
- I have the gift of taste.
- I have the gift of speech.
- I have brains.
- I feel.
- I know how to heighten sensations in my body.
- I know how to heal myself.
- I support people in healing emotionally.
- I am intuitive.
- I use my intuitive gifts to help people.
- I am a work of evolution.
What would your list be like? Please share.
Who is Martha?
Dr. Martha Tara Lee is Founder and Clinical Sexologist of Eros Coaching. She is a certified sexologist with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality. She provides sexuality and relationship coaching for individuals and couples, conducts sexual education workshops and speaks at public events. She is the author of the book Love, Sex and Everything In-Between, and the host of the weekly radio show Eros Evolution on OMTimes Radio. For more, visit www.ErosCoaching.com or email info@eroscoaching.com.
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