The Crying Project

Posted On: November 22, 2013

What is The Crying Project? This video tries to explain it:


“I came across this video called Dear Woman and this group of men apologizing for other men for the pain that they have caused women.

And these men, through their intention, I could feel the power behind their words. So that’s how the seed planned where instead of just telling clients it’s okay to cry, how about putting it more public that it’s okay to cry?

And actually, I had this idea for some time and I thought, well, I could put a video on me crying and just put it online and there will be all kinds of different responses from different people but what kind of more impact would it be if I get more people involved so that they cry for the people or the causes that they are passionate about too?

And it really came about ‘cos I asked around and I kept getting a lot of No’s and it just kind of dragged on for some time until I spoke to my friend, Syv, just at a whim. Just… in a group, I said I wanted to do this project: Would you do it? And then she said, “Yes!”

So, when I’ve got the first yes, it really made me decide: “Okay, now that there’s two people, all I need to do is just get a few more.” So then I got my friend, Olivia, and then there’s three of us.

So we’re starting out with the three of us first and I’m trying to get more people involved, crying for the causes that they are passionate about and I’m hoping to get some men involved as well.

And so that’s how The Crying Project came about.” – Dr. Martha Tara Lee

The Crying Project

This is the first video of The Crying Project


The Crying Project was featured by Shin Min Daily News, a Chinese daily newspaper in Singapore on Nov 23, 2013.

We will be releasing the other two Crying Project videos on hand 

from January 2014.  

Please help us publicise this project.

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