Polyamory and Breakups

Posted On: September 28, 2024

Why the ‘Polyamory and Breakups’ Resource?

Polyam breakups are challenging to navigate.

You are broken hearted. You may not being able to seek outside support because people in your life don’t understand and/or will just blame your breakup on polyamory; invalidating your feelings in the process.

You’re questioning whether it’s ok to ask for support from your other partners. Plus, life still keeps moving forward as you try to sort this out.

That’s why I created this resource.

This is the opportunity to not only learn about how to handle breakups in poly, but to gain the skills to prepare for breakups WITH your partners.

Listen, this is not because breakups are inevitable. But they aren’t improbable. So we might as well talk about them while everyone likes each other.

Plus, the beautiful thing about polyamory is that we’re kinda saying FU to how we “normally” do relationships, anyway. So why not do that from beginning to end.

The other thing that happens and is possible in poly is transitioning relationships rather than breaking up. This is also a skill and it’s not always obvious or easy to do that.

So come listen to 13 people who have been through it.

We can absolutely have breakups and transitions without all of the drama.

It is possible.

See you there!

In this recording learn from experts on how to:

  • Navigate polyamorous breakups while still feeling grounded and connected to your partners
  • Transition relationships to fit both people’s changing needs
  • Ask for help from other partners even if it feels weird
  • Talk about breakups when you still like each other even though you think you may not need to
  • Share about what you need during a poly breakup to people in your life
  • And much much more

US$ 47.00 Polyamory and Breakups


Meet Our Speakers

Antoinette Cummings

Antoinette is a relationship coach that helps those in the polyamorous community create healthier relationships with themselves, others and will talk about “Navigating Polyamory as an Ambiamorous Demi-sexual”.

Dr. Martha Lee

A born and bred Singaporean Chinese, Dr. Martha Tara Lee is Relationship Counselor and ClinicalSexologist of Eros Coaching. She shares about “Self-Intimacy and Orgasmic Yoga as Gateways to Deep Personal Fulfillment”.

Dr. Jeni Wahlig and Cal Osili

Dr. Jeni Wahlig and Calvin Osili from Powerful Love will be sharing about Conscious Collaboration: Doing Family On Purpose.

Li Griebsch

Li is a certified coach who works in the realm of love and relationships within the queer community who will speak about “How Does Your Sexuality Impact the Sex You Have?”.

Jeremy Shub

Working as a sex therapist, sex educator, sexological bodyworker, and relationship coach, Jeremy brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to their practice and will share on “Intimacy Agreements”.

Skylar Haven

Skylar has 20+ years experience in coaching and facilitating, are a certified sexological bodyworker with a master’s degree in coaching and development and several other certifications in yoga therapy, mindfulness and massage. They speak on “Desire Differences in Polyamory: Integrating the Wisdom of Our Body in our Intimacy”.

Emily Costello

Emily, Intimacy Coach, and curator of safe, communicative spaces. Everyone is deserving of feeling safe — within their bodies, their relationship(s), their (sometimes wonky) brains – and, my goal is always to open that space for others; and will be sharing about “Communication and Safety After You’ve Been Triggered”.

Irene Morning

Irene is a somatic pleasure coach and bestselling author of The Polyamory Paradox: Finding Your Confidence in Consensual Non-Monogamy. She will be sharing about “Polyamory and the Path to Finding Sex-Positive Play Parties”.

Melissa Louise

Melissa Louise Is your Leading Pleasure Advocate , Erotic Blueprint Coach, & Sex, Intimacy & Relationship Expert. She talks about “Unpacking Terms and Concepts in Polyamory and Sexual Relationships”.

Heather Shannon

Heather Shannon is a Certified Sex Therapist and Host of the top-ranked “Ask A Sex Therapist” podcast and will talk about “Unleashing Erotic Expression: Embracing Different Roles with Different Partners”.

Eliza Riley

Poly Coach Eliza is a relationship coach specializing in Polyamory and all things ethically non-monogamous and speaks about “Nurturing Healthy Boundaries, In and Out of the Bedroom”.

The Mission

The mission of this summit is to provide access to education and resources. And to build connection and cohesiveness across the polyamorous community.

We are on a global mission to expand the conversation of love on the planet, being courageous and having the freedom to fully express our love.

With love,

Elizabeth Cunningham

Love & Life Coach

CEO Speaking Love LLC

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