Pink Dot 16 – Strangers Talk About Growing Up LGBTQ+ In Singapore

Posted On: June 21, 2024

As a relationship counselor and clinical sexologist, I highly encourage everyone to watch these Pink Dot 16 videos. Here’s why:

  1. Gain Insight and Empathy: These videos offer a rare and honest glimpse into the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in Singapore. By watching, you’ll develop a deeper understanding and empathy for their experiences, challenges, and triumphs.
  2. Celebrate Diversity: This Pride Month, take the opportunity to celebrate the diversity of human experiences and the beauty of authentic self-expression. The stories shared in these videos highlight the strength and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community.
  3. Promote Inclusivity: By educating ourselves and others, we contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society. These videos serve as powerful tools for promoting conversations around acceptance, equality, and love.
  4. Support Positive Change: Understanding the hopes and fears of the LGBTQ+ community can inspire us to take action and support efforts to create a more inclusive future. Watching these videos is a step towards being an ally and advocate for positive change.

Join me in celebrating Pride Month by watching these impactful videos. Let’s listen to these voices, learn from their experiences, and work together to create a world where everyone can live authentically and proudly.

In the first video of Pink Dot 16’s series, strangers come together to share their personal journeys of growing up LGBTQ+ in Singapore. These heartfelt conversations shed light on the unique challenges and triumphs of embracing one’s identity in a conservative society. As a relationship counselor and clinical sexologist, I am deeply moved by their courage and resilience. This Pride Month, let’s celebrate their stories and continue advocating for a more inclusive and accepting world.

2. Straight vs LGBTQ+ Relationships & Families: What’s The Difference? | Pink Dot 16 – Part 2/3

In the second part of Pink Dot 16’s series, strangers discuss the dynamics of straight versus LGBTQ+ relationships and families. Their insights highlight both the differences and the universal threads that bind all forms of love and family together. As someone dedicated to promoting healthy and fulfilling relationships, I find these conversations enlightening and powerful. This Pride Month, let’s honor the diversity of love and the beauty of chosen families.

3. Stay Or Leave? Strangers Talk About Their Fears And Hopes For The Future | Pink Dot 16 – Part 3/3

The final video in the Pink Dot 16 series delves into the hopes and fears of the LGBTQ+ community regarding their future in Singapore. Strangers openly discuss whether they feel compelled to stay or leave the country, revealing deep-seated concerns and aspirations. As a clinical sexologist, I am reminded of the importance of creating a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. This Pride Month, let’s listen to these voices and work towards a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

Catch up on the themes of Pink Dot over the years here. 
Will you be supporting Pink Dot this year?

About Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Surrounded by friends who were sexually inhibited and struck by dire lack of positive conversations around sex and sexuality in Singapore, Dr. Martha Tara Lee set out to make a positive difference in embarking on her doctorate in human sexuality before launching Eros Coaching in 2009. Today, she remains dedicated to working with individuals and couples who wish to lead self-actualised and pleasure-filled lives.

She also holds certificates in counselling, coaching and sex therapy, and her fourth degree – a Masters in Counselling in May 2018. In practice since 2009, she is the only certified sexuality educator and certified sexuality educator supervisor by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) in Singapore.

Often cited in the media, Dr. Lee is the appointed Clinical Sexologist for Singapore Cancer Society. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women Under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. She has published four books: Love, Sex and Everything In-BetweenOrgasmic YogaFrom Princess to Queen and {Un}Inhibited.

Martha works with individuals and couples in private coaching sessions, and conducts her own workshops. She takes prides in making sure all her workshops are also fun, educational, and sex-positive. This comes easily to her because even though she is extremely dedicated and serious about her work, she fundamentally believes that sex is meant to be fun, wonderful, amazing and sacred. As such, this serious light-heartedness has shone through again and again. For her full profile, click here. Email her here.

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